Bitcoin Deal Down Under With Aussie Firm And Uk Bitcoin Operation Examiner
A win-win strategic partnership has been announced this afternoon by Australian investment firm Macro Energy Limited, which just acquired digitalBTC, and, a company that allows customers to pay to use its servers to mine bitcoin, reports CoinDesk this afternoon. The customers need to know…
The Sad State of Affairs When Charlie Hebdo Represents Western “Freedoms”
Has Western society really been reduced to publishing cartoons in the face of “terror?” The latest Charlie Hebdo magazine is out and, rather predictably, it portrays the prophet Mohammed on its cover: Apparently, Mohammed’s face and that represent a penis and two testicles as do…
Akhil Reed Amar
I was talking to Akhil Reed Amar, Sterling Professor of Law at Yale, and I was about to launch what I thought was a tough question, and I decided to soften him a bit first to make the blow land harder. “Okay,” I said, “You…
Hochschild dumping more Gold Resource shares
Peru’s Hochschild Mining is selling 4.1 million of its 6,276,874 shares of Gold Resources, leaving Hochschild with a 4% stake or 2,176,874 shares of the small-cap Colorado Springs-based gold and silver miner, according to a prospectus filed Tuesday with the SEC. In May of this…
Star Group At South By – Best Weekend Quotes From SXSW Interactive
Our favorite quotes and comments from SXSW 2012 sessions and panels, with some great insights on branding, digital design and social media. This past weekend Molly Auer and I gunned it to SXSW 2012 for a jam-packed weekend of social and digital learning (and some…
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