SEO San Diego will provide knowledge about the basics of Internet Marketing to the person. The experience of the business person and customers will be enhanced through the basics. 

A – Anchor Text

Good anchor text (the text that’s used for a link) is very important.

B – Blogs

Blogs are great marketing vehicles. (As opposed to Splogs – spam blogs – which are NOT great marketing vehicles…) Know the difference.

C – Conversion

Having a Bajillion visitors a day won’t help if they’re not converting. Basically, this is shown as a percentage – i.e. how many people out of 100 made a purchase on your site. A 1% conversion rate is common online.

D – Deep-linking

This refers to getting links to pages *inside* your site (a variety of them.) Deep-links are important. How best to do this? Create good content that gets linked to without having to ask people to link to it. Give people a genuine reason to link to your site, and the deep-links will come rolling in, helping your site’s reputation online.

E – Email

Respond to it ASAP. Don’t SPAM. Create opt-in subscription lists.

F – Forums

Forums are your friend. On them you can find most of the stuff you see for sale in e-books, although it may take time to find it. Forums can also be your enemy, though, sucking up too much of your time. Learn how not to get lost or distracted when you wander into a forum to gather information.

G – Guerrilla Marketing

(You thought I was gonna say Google, didn’t you? ; ) Guerrilla marketing (also sometimes called gonzo marketing) is using creative, unique (often low cost ways) to market a website or brand online.


Learn it. It’s always good to be able to make small changes to your website on your own. It’s not very difficult.

I – Inbound links

You want lots of these, but only from (for the most part) related sites. That is, other websites that have the same niche or topic as your website. You don’t want to get inbounds ‘unnaturally’ – i.e. receiving lots of links in a short time period from “bad neighborhoods”. Speaking of bad neighborhoods, stay away from FFA links, most link exchanges, link schemes, etc.

J – Jericho

Remember the Jericho TV Show? Remember it was canceled? Well, because of great marketing on the Internet, the show was saved. Fans used the Internet to spread a message – send peanuts to the TV Network until they promised to bring the show back. It worked. Go study this case from a marketing angle.

K – kpaul! ; )

L – Link bait (Linkbait)

Find something to write about or create some type of Flash animation that people *can’t help* linking to. One type of link bait technique is to write an overblown headline about something. (Although there’s a fine line here you don’t won’t to cross. Trolls reside on the other side.) The goal is to get the blogosphere abuzz and linking to you (whether they agree with you or disagree with you.)

M – Meta tags

It seems the meta description tag is playing a larger role recently when it comes to Supplemental results at Google. Try to make sure your meta description tags are unique as this is what Google (usually) uses to display as your snipped in the SERPs (search engine result pages). If you have duplicate meta description tags, it can cause havoc with how your site ranks in Google and other search engines. (Google “google supplemental results…”)

N – No get rich quick schemes

Think about it. If the get rich quick schemes were legit, everyone would be rich by now. Making money online is hard work, but it can be done. If an online offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

O – Opt-in

The best way to go – permission marketing. Always give Opt-out methods, though.

P – Pageviews (not HITS)

Pageviews is the term you should use to describe traffic to your site. (Along with ‘Unique visitors’…) The metrics used to track the value of your site to an advertiser is likely to change over the coming years. Recent topics have said number of pageviews per visitor and time spent on site per visitor are more important. Stay as up to date on web analytics as you can.

Q – Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The Internet is a vast resource full of many great people who might be willing to help you out if only you asked.

R – Reciprocal Links

This refers to the practice of ‘trading links’ with other webmasters. While this is ok, generally, if the sites have a similar niche (even a broad one like ‘entertainment’), NON-recip links are generally worth more. (Stay away from the so called three way link exchanges, IMHO…) Again, build good content or unique content and people will link to it.

S – Stickiness

This refers how long people ‘stick around’ on your site. One of the better ways to have a sticky site is to encourage participation on the site in some way – user submitted content, comments, voting, etc.

T – Try new things

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and try new things. It might not be wise to do this a lot on your biggest money making site, but experimenting and trying new things allows you to find things that market your website(s) better.

U – Usability

Make your site user-friendly. Basically, this means it’s easy to understand and navigate around your site. If it’s easy for humans to read, most likely the search engines will have no trouble reading it. If you try to make a page for the search engines first, though, humans might find the site difficult to use and never come back. (And what’s the point, really, of one-off visitors? This isn’t a sustainable model in the long run, IMHO.)

V – Viral

In online marketing, viral is a good thing. This refers to what happens when one person tells two people about a website (or sends them an email) and those two people tell two people each, etc. This ties back to linkbaiting and creating great content.

W – WORLD Wide Web

Remember, that it is indeed a global playing field now. This can work for or against you. With so many global players, there’s still a lot of room on the ‘regional’ level (think the size of a state or smaller in the United States.) The bigger your target audience, though, the more potential you have for growth, traffic, etc.

X – Xerox

You want your brand to become so popular that it’s picked up as a generic term for something – ie Xerox, Kleenex, Google, etc.

Y – Youth

Study the youth marketing segment. As the young people of today grow up (never having known a world w/out the internet, w/out Google) they will be different than most consumers today.

Z – Zzzzz

Don’t forget to sleep every once in a while!

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