Most people think osteopathy is all about breaking bones and backs, which is not true. According to osteopaths, osteopathy is actually a complete system for restoring and maintaining health in your body. The Spine specialists of Austin speak in favour of Osteopathy and claim that it has multiple benefits for the body and the overall health of an individual. Undertaken properly, osteopathy can help release tension from your body and facilitate proper movement. Osteopathy is concerned with the total framework of the body including muscles, bones, ligaments, nervous system etc. The word osteopathy originates from two Greek words: osteon and pathos, which mean bone and suffering respectively. According to osteopaths, all kinds of diseases can be related to the disorders of spine, bones and muscles and nerves. This imbalance can be caused by injuries, bad posture, poor work habits, strain etc. The osteopath takes all these factors into consideration and treats each individual in a separate manner. The final goal in any case is to restore balance, ease tension and enhance circulation of bodily fluids.

There are several specializations in osteopathy such as cranial osteopathy, pediatric osteopathy, visceral osteopathy etc. According to general belief, the bones of the cranium and skull become fixed when a person enters adult life. But according to cranial osteopathy, the cranium still retains some flexibility even in adult age.. In cranial osteopathy, gentle techniques are applied to take advantage of the flexibility of cranium and release tension and restore balance. Though there is a lack of scientific evidence confirming this kind of cranial osteopathy, it is still practiced and popular among several osteopaths. Cranial osteopathy has been successfully used to treat problems in infants and premature babies. When the techniques of osteopathy are applied to treat young babies and newborns it is called pediatric osteopathy. Moreover, when osteopathy is applied to the soft internal organs of the body such as the lungs, heart, digestive and reproductive organs it is called visceral osteopathy, which derives its name from the word viscera meaning soft internal organs. However, visceral osteopathy is not widely practiced by osteopaths due to its controversy.

In osteopathy, it is believed that the damage caused to any part of neuro-musculo-skeletal system affects the whole body and internal organs. The thing that he’s built up due to the damage spreads to the whole body and increases the irritation along with accumulating waste products which further double the pain and tension. Osteopathy is designed to combat this problem by relaxing the nerves and muscles, enhancing circulation and setting the bones in their proper shape. Osteopathy is suitable for almost anyone and for all the ages. Osteopathy is found to treat varied kind of ailments including back, neck, joint pains; injurious, headaches; asthma and other respiratory problems; sleep problems, digestive and set little problems etc. the trend of treating diseases through osteopathy is on the rise.

With the huge amount of publicity given recently in newspapers for the review by researchers from the University osteopathy has become a controversial topic. Osteopathy should not be used in certain medical conditions such as osteoporosis or brittleness of bones, bone inflammation and degeneration. In addition, the manipulations should be performed with great care and only by experienced osteopaths. Care should be doubled in the case of elderly people and infants.

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